
In this week’s podcast, we are talking about embedded in-chip monitoring and lifecycle chip design challenges with Stephen Crosher and Oliver King from Moortec. We also take a closer look at a new breakthrough in data storage technology and why a team of researchers from Stanford, UC Berkeley, and Texas A&M believe that tiny slices of tungsten ditelluride may just hold the key to the evolution … Read More → "Advancing into FinFET"


加速器排行|Valorant无法安装怎么办?Golink加速器解决 ...:2021-6-3 · Golink加速器(www.golink.com)采用军工级光缆显著降低网络延迟问题,常见的延迟、丢包、跳ping等问题都将影人而解,下载注册即可免费使用白嫖党们的福音,各位还在选择加速器的旁友们不妨试试免费Golink加速器(www.golink.com)。 Cylynt have … Read More → "Protecting Your Software from Cyberslime"


“My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live.” – Kanye West

When everyone else took Spanish classes in high school, I took Latin. That prepared me for a life of translating classic literature (nope), correcting Catholic priests (not ever), deciphering legal phrases (more often than I’d like), and acing … Read More → "Sequitur Security Is a Package Deal"


“We acquire the strength we have overcome.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

It’s no secret that ARM is the 500-lb. gorilla in the IP-licensing business, but there are new signs that the company may be reaching its peak. Licensing revenue is down slightly, the company is reportedly raising prices to compensate, a Chinese joint venture has gone badly, and … Read More → "ARM Saturation, Price Hikes, and Possible Spinoff"


“I learned how to measure before I knew what was size.” – Sofi Tukker, “House Arrest”

Let’s start by speaking some truth. Nothing about the “5 nanometer” CMOS process has any real relationship to five actual nanometers and transistor size. That train jumped off the rails years ago, and the semiconductor industry has inflicted tremendous self-harm by perpetuating the … Read More → "No More Nanometers"

July 31, 2020
July 30, 2020
July 28, 2020
July 27, 2020
July 23, 2020
July 22, 2020
July 21, 2020
July 20, 2020
July 17, 2020



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Posted on Jul 30 at 12:01pm by acantle
Great article Kevin, nicely covering all the bases here. It defines the exact challenge that my new venture, Nallasway, is hoping to tackle. We need a first principles grassroots approach to this, to truly benefit from this once in a lifetime shift in our industry.
Posted on Jul 30 at 8:37am by JayN
yes, I agree on the heterogeneous programming. It will be interesting to see if oneAPI succeeds. The programmer still needs to be aware of the target device to get the best optimization. However, there was also an article yesterday on "Machine-Programming Code Similarity System", using AI to write code, with ...
Posted on Jul 29 at 7:02am by muldrow
biubiu加速器_biubiu加速器下载_biubiu游戏加速器_九游:2021-6-1 · 轻巧简洁不简单的手游加速器,biubiu加速器横空出世! 【零门槛无需会员即可畅玩海内外精品手游】 biubiu加速器,一款专业手游加速器,一键解决手游网络卡顿、延迟、掉线、加载缓慢等问题,提高手游网络的稳定性,彻底告别影响游戏体验的一系列网络问题,为您游戏上分之旅保驾护航!
Posted on Jul 28 at 2:19pm by fpgareader
But how do we trust the 3rd party security company - over time? But DIY is heavy as Jim said: see this ETSI Security doc: http://bit.ly/3f8xExZ A Good Read for embedded guys so you’ll be ready when your bosses panic over their IoT device liabilities.
英特尔®创新加速器 | CurieNeurons实例:颜色识别:器材: GY-31颜色传感器 * 1 DFROBOT AD Keyboard 五按钮模块 * 1 DFROBOT IO Expansion Shield IO扩展板 * 1 Arduino101 * 1 接线方法: 首先将GY-31与IO扩展版连接: S0连接D5 S1连接D6 S2连 …
Now you are making me feel guilty -- but you are assuming the resonant frequency is in the ultrasonic -- suppose it was < 20 Hz...
Posted on Jul 28 at 8:24am by Max Maxfield
Hi Ivan -- They showed me the frequency response curves -- in fact I have them here in my office -- I'll show them to you the next time you drop round for a cup of tea :-)
Posted on Jul 27 at 10:58am by Karl Stevens
It does not matter if it is called a RISC, or CISC, or whatever ill-defined term that people use the old load, add, store, branch CPU has hit "the brick wall". It is time to re-think how to build a computer. Distributing a clock to every single FF and then ...
Posted on Jul 25 at 3:17pm by theboom
"in the case of xMEMs speakers, the resonant frequency occurs outside the audio range, thereby making it someone else’s problem." Sure, who cares about insects and dogs?
加速器排行|Valorant无法安装怎么办?Golink加速器解决 ...:2021-6-3 · Golink加速器(www.golink.com)采用军工级光缆显著降低网络延迟问题,常见的延迟、丢包、跳ping等问题都将影人而解,下载注册即可免费使用白嫖党们的福音,各位还在选择加速器的旁友们不妨试试免费Golink加速器(www.golink.com)。
Alas, what you cover are just the minor issues, not the big one about how OneDrive moves your files, which no other back-up service I know of, does. On the big issue he is 100% right, and it does not matter if he is a techie or not.
Posted on Jul 24 at 2:38am by Grant837
Thanks so much for this article! I was having the exact doubts that your experience covers - only after destroying my wife's Thunderbird email configuration because it was looking for the email files in her Documents folder. I can not believe MS could be so irresponsible. For those who really ...
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Aug 2, 2020
粒子加速器 - 知乎 - Zhihu:2021-3-31 · 粒子加速器(particle accelerator)全名为“荷电粒子加速器”,是使带电粒子在高真空场中受磁场力控制、电场力加速而达到高能量的特种电磁、高真空装置。是人为地提供各种高能粒子束或辐射线的现代化装备。日常生活中常见的粒子加速器有用于电视的阴极射线管及X光管等设施。
[From the last episode: We looked at the notion of sparsity and how it helps with the math.] We saw before that there are three main elements in a CNN: the convolution, the pooling, and the activation . Today we focus on activation . I'€™ll start by saying that the uses of ...
Jul 31, 2020
Well, things just took an unexpected turn and I now have a '€œHmmm, that'€™s very interesting'€ look on my face....
Jul 30, 2020
The pandemic has not slowed the demand for high bandwidth, high-performance systems, such as 56 Gbps PAM4, 112 Gbps PAM4 and more. Designer engineers in all types of industries, from data center, HPC, networking, telecom, medical, storage, semiconductor, wireless, test and me...
chalk talks