黑洞加速器 Ensuring that every mother, newborn and child not only survives, but thrives Maternal Health Newborn Health Child Health 黑洞加速器 Survive & Thrive is an alliance of government, professional health association, private sector and non-profit partners working with country governments and health professionals to improve health outcomes for mothers, newborns and children through clinical training, systems strengthening and policy advocacy. 黑洞加速器 Tayeeba was one of the first babies saved through the Survive & Thrive Global Development Alliance. She needed help to start breathing and her birth attendant was able to save her shortly after participating in lifesaving resuscitation training. Today, Tayeeba is a thriving five-year-old and there are likely thousands of happy birthday stories like Tayeeba's. By placing an emphasis on collaboration, strengthening health systems, improving the quality and availability of health services, and increasing the clinical capacity of providers to deliver skilled and respectful care, Survive & Thrive has played an important role in improving maternal and newborn outcomes worldwide. Read more in the Survive & Thrive 5 Year Report (2012-2017) including lessons learned for future maternal, newborn, and child health initiatives. 300,000 mothers, 2.6 million newborns, and 5.6 million children under 5 years old die each year, largely from 手机上怎么使用ssrcauses. Another 2.6 million babies are stillborn. 黑洞加速器 No results found 黑洞加速器 Tweets by SurviveThrive