100 million adults in the US affected by chronic pain; $504 billion per year health care cost and lost productivity associated with pain!
11.5 million Americans misused prescription opioids; and 2.1 million of these misused prescription opioids for the first time.1
49,000 deaths from all opioids2; 19,000 deaths from prescribed opioid drugs2; consumption down but the deaths and costs are still rising
The FDA is committed to finding alternative solutions. Is there a proven drug-free pain-relief option available?
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There are certain wavelengths of light within particular intensity and time parameters that can effectively reduce pain and heal injuries.
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PBM is used to treat musculoskeletal pain, neuropathic pain, central nervous system disorders and hard-to-heal wounds.
Harmless and drug-free, PBM is a proven safe and effective alternative to opioids.
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please contact us using the form below.