Founded in 1977, the American Book Review is a nonprofit, internationally distributed publication that appears six times a year. ABR specializes in reviews of frequently neglected published works of fiction, poetry, and literary and cultural criticism from small, regional, university, ethnic, avant-garde, and women's presses. ABR as a literary journal aims to project the sense of engagement that writers themselves feel about what is being published. It is edited and produced by writers for writers and the general public.
The UHV/ABR Reading Series for Spring 2018 has been announced! Join us to hear Lacy M. Johnson, Carlin Romano, Debra Di Blasi, Matt Bell, and Michael Joyce.
Because of Hurricane Harvey's aftermath in Victoria and the greater Crossroads region, Lacy Johnson's Reading Series appearance on September 7, 2017 is cancelled.
The UHV/ABR Reading Series for Fall 2017 has been announced. Join us to hear Lacy Johnson, Kwame Dawes, Ru Freeman, Frederick Luis Aldama, and R. Clay Reynolds.
The UHV/ABR Reading Series was honored by UH regents for Academic Excellence (5/22/16)
Web-exclusive supplement to issue 35.3's interview with Marilyn Chin
Download full citations and notes for Susan Vanderborg's review of apostrophe, part of issue 35.2's Focus on Machine Writing.
Web-exclusive supplement to issue 35.3's interview with Marilyn Chin
Download full citations and notes for Susan Vanderborg's review of apostrophe, part of issue 35.2's Focus on Machine Writing.
Web-exclusive supplement to issue 34.5's interview with Jon Wei
ABR has lost a dear friend. Contributing Editor William Demby passed on May 23, 2013. He will be greatly missed. Our deepest condolences to his friends and family.
ABR welcomes its newest Contributing Editor, Joseph D. Haske.
The staff at American Book Review is greatly saddened to report the loss of QQ管家小火箭加速提取版官方版下载_QQ管家小火箭加速 ...:2021-5-13 · QQ管家小火箭加速提取版是从腾讯电脑管家上提取出来的独立版本,各位下载即可直接使用而且不用安装电脑管家哦,非常不错的一款电脑深度优化、网络优化、测试网速等功能的工具,本站提供电脑管家加速小火箭下载。 QQ管家小火箭加速提取版功能:. He led a great reading and discussion at UHV just a few weeks ago as the closing speaker in our Fall 2012 series. Jake was a great poet and a good friend. He will be missed. For his friends and fans, here is the video of his final reading.
The Spring 2013 UHV/ABR Reading Series has been announced!. Come see readings by Naomi Shihab Nye, Manuel Martinez, Jess Walter, Cristina García, and Tim Z. Hernandez!
Our Fall 2012 Reading Series has just been announced! Featuring Steve Tomasula, Paisley Rekdal, Mathew Johnson, Norma Cantú, and Jake Adam York.
This year marks our 50th speaker in the UHV/ABR Reading Series with Robert Coover.
ABR welcomes Jeffrey A. Sartain as its new Managing Editor.
The Colin McEnroe Show on WNPR, Connecticut Public Radio, has broadcast a show on "The Era of Bad Books." Davis Schneiderman contributor to ABR's issue Top 40 Bad Books, is a guest on the program. Listen to the program here.
ABR welcomes its newest associate editors to its editorial board: Dagoberto Gilb and Charles Johnson.
Our issue on Top 40 Bad Books (31.2) is creating some interesting discussion in the Guardian(UK), The New Yorker, LA Times, and 小火箭加速.
Did you know that ABR has free videos available on its website of presentations by past reading series speakers with video of such literary treasures as Angela Ball, Andrei Codrescu, Mark Doty, Raymond Federman, Dagoberto Gilb, Charles Johnson, Antonya Nelson, Marjorie Perloff, and many more, this selection can be browsed and viewed here.
ABR welcomes its newest associate editors to its editorial board: 小火箭加速器app, Cris Mazza, and Christina Milletti.
We at ABR are mourning the loss of Raymond Federman, longtime editor of ABR, preeminent innovative writer, critic, and translator. Federman changed tense October 6, 2009 after a long battle with cancer. His voice will go on in our memories.
Check out The Buffalo News's comments on our Fiction's Future issue (30.5).
The Buffalo News released an article on June 12, 2009 discussing the synchronicity of ABR and The New Yorker having similar focuses on the teaching of creative writing around the same day.
Inside Higher Ed released an article about the American Book Review; Jeffrey R. Di Leo, ABR editor and publisher; and the University of Houston-Victoria, ABR's host institution. Click here to read the article.