Efficient. Effective. Transparent.

Travel Philanthropy provides a reliable and secure way for tourism companies and individuals to give money and time to charitable projects around the world.

By supporting one of our partners, they can be sure that their donation is used for the charitable purposes intended- and that as much of it as possible reaches the cause they want to support

We have developed a very low cost model for collecting donations online, where the recipient charity qualifies to collect Gift Aid. We are all volunteers ourselves, and keep our administration costs to a bare minimum.

Our partners report on the initiatives we support, so donors can see what they have helped achieve and what more is needed.

Working with partners in local communities and the travel industry who are doing great work in the places they visit, live or work in, we facilitate travel philanthropy with integrity.

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Better places for people to live in and better places for people to visit.

Meet the Trustees

Travel Philanthropy’s trustees bring a wealth of relevant experience and a passion for responsible tourism that benefits the destination as well as the traveller.


Harold Goodwin – Chair of the Trustees
An acknowledged world leader in responsible and sustainable tourism read more »

Programme director of an award-winning volunteer travel organisation people and places

Richard Hearn

Richard is well known throughout the UK tourism industry and responsible tourism arena. He is a co-founding director of Village Ways.

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Our Partners

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