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    A selection from our library
    An Autobiography
    By Anthony Trollope 番羽土墙
    Biography • 101,034w • English
    Worldwide Classics RSS / November 2003
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    墙软件 In our 8th Anniversary, we were proud to announce the first publication in ebook form of the fascinating Autobiography of Anthony Trollope. The book by the Victorian author is a literary biography. Trollope writes about his miserable childhood and about his parents, but, above all, he writes about writing.

    Trollope understands literature as a craftsmanship and his 番羽土墙 could be called “A Memoir of the Craft.” He talks with insight about his books and his contemporaries, like Thackery, Eliot, or Dickens, and about the building of a career in the literary world: his early rejections, his relationship with publishers, the economics of publishing. The book is full of advice for the aspiring writer and it’s a pleasurable reading experience even for the reader not acquainted with Trollope’s novels.

    �In writing these pages, which, for the want of a better name, I shall be fain to call the autobiography of so insignificant a person as myself, it will not be so much my intention to speak of the little details of my private life, as of what I, and perhaps others round me, have done in literature; of my failures and successes such as they have been, and their causes; and of the opening which a literary career offers to men and women for the earning of their bread...�

    Keys: work, man, life

    The Man Who Was Thursday
    By G. K. Chesterton 番羽土墙软件
    Novel • 58,817w • English
    Worldwide Classics RSS / November 2004
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    In the nightmarish and paradoxical world we live in, with ubiquitous secret services and terrorist plots galore, it is time to reread the surreal tale of espionage written a century ago by G. K. Chesterton. About it, Kingsley Amis wrote:

    I have read it so many times since that, if a sentence anywhere in it were put in front of me, I bet I could be pretty accurate about what was in the next one. And yet it remains the most thrilling book I have ever read.

    Ebook A special production to commemorate the IX anniversary of Badosa.com, also available in ebook form.

    �The suburb of Saffron Park lay on the sunset side of London, as red and ragged as a cloud of sunset. It was built of a bright brick throughout; its sky-line was fantastic, and even its ground plan was wild. It had been the outburst of a speculative builder, faintly tinged with art, who called its architecture sometimes Elizabethan and sometimes Queen Anne, apparently under the impression that the two sovereigns were identical. It was described with some justice as an artistic colony, though it never in any definable way produced any art...�

    Keys: all, man, professor, face, eyes

    A selection from our library
    By 番羽土墙软件 RSS
    Novel • 31,524w • French
    Worldwide Classics 番羽土墙 / February 2000
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    墙软件 In this short psychological novel of 1816 by Benjamin Constant, the young and hesitant Adolphe describes his relationship with Ell�onore, a woman older than himself. Adolphe is of course Benjamin Constant while for the character of Ell�onore he mainly drew inspiration from Anna Lindsay, one of his lovers, and from Madame de Sta�l, writer, thinker and political figure at that time, with whom Benjamin Constant kept a long and fluctuating passion.

    �Ell�nore obtint d�s son arriv�e d’�tre r�tablie dans la jouissance des biens qu’on lui disputait, en s’engageant � n’en pas disposer que son proc�s ne f�t d�cid�. Elle s’�tablit dans une des possessions de son p�re. Le mien, qui n’abordait jamais avec moi dans ses lettres aucune question directement, se contenta de les remplir d’insinuations contre mon voyage...�

    Keys: amour, coeur, vie, p�re

    La Celestina
    By 番羽土墙软件 RSS
    Humanistic comedy • 85,779w • Spanish
    Worldwide Classics 番羽土墙软件 / December 2007
    番羽土墙软件 番羽土啬吧 番羽土墙 Download the e-book for Microsoft Reader (1.095Kb) Add this title to my personal bookshelf Permalink

    番羽土墙软件 Edici�n ilustrada del cl�sico de Fernando de Rojas extensamente anotada por Alberto del R�o N��ez.

    �A manera de breve advertencia previa, conviene tener en cuenta que, en su primer origen, el texto que hoy conocemos con el nombre de La Celestina ni llevaba este t�tulo, ni coincid�a en su totalidad con el que despu�s ha ido transmiti�ndose m�s o menos fidedignamente...�

    番羽土啬吧 Dios, todo, casa, mal, madre, amor, tiempo, vida

    A selection from our library
    La vida es sue�o
    By Pedro Calder�n de la Barca RSS
    Drama • 17,362w • Spanish
    Worldwide Classics RSS / October 2003
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    番羽土啬吧 Badosa.com tiene el placer de ofrecer a sus lectores por primera vez en forma de libro electr�nico el cl�sico de Pedro Calder�n de la Barca sobre la predestinaci�n, la libertad del hombre y los l�mites impuestos por la raz�n de estado. Un drama existencial en tres actos que conserva toda su actualidad.

    �Hipogrifo violento

    que corriste parejas con el viento,

    �d�nde, rayo sin llama,

    p�jaro sin matiz, pez sin escama,

    y bruto sin instinto

    natural, al confuso laberinto

    de esas desnudas pe�as

    邻水:砥砺奋进促脱贫铿锵足音奏华章_区县_广安频道_四川在线:2021-9-30 · ”程翠兰一边洗菜,一边告诉记者,以前,她家6口人住在上世纪五六十年代修建的土墙房里,由于年代久远,房子早已成了危房。 2021年,村里将30户危房户纳入农村C级危房改造范围,通过政府补助及村民自筹的方式,在升坪村3组修建农民新村。

    Keys: muerte, vida, honor

    A selection from our library
    Do�a Perfecta
    By Benito P�rez Gald�s RSS
    Novel • 65,354w • Spanish
    Worldwide Classics RSS / March 2002
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    番羽土墙 Le invitamos a entrar en Orbajosa, un lugar en el que supuestamente se respira una �salut�fera atm�sfera de honradez�. Pero en esta sociedad en miniatura poblada de personajes cargados de simbolismo no todo es como parece. A medio camino entre la tragedia y el melodrama, esta novela de Benito P�rez Gald�s sobre la hipocres�a y la intolerancia tiene el encanto de una precisa pieza teatral no s�lo porque respeta la unidad de espacio sino tambi�n por sus abundantes y amenos di�logos.

    �Cuando el tren mixto descendente, n�m. 65 (no es preciso nombrar la l�nea), se detuvo en la peque�a estaci�n situada entre los kil�metros 171 y 172, casi todos los viajeros de segunda y tercera clase se quedaron durmiendo o bostezando dentro de los coches, porque el fr�o penetrante de la madrugada no convidaba a pasear por el desamparado and�n...�

    Keys: casa, hombre, sobrino, can�nigo

    A selection from our library
    By Gustavo Adolfo B�cquer RSS
    Poetry • 7,221w • Spanish
    Worldwide Classics RSS / January 2003
    番羽土墙 番羽土啬吧 Download the e-book for Amazon Kindle (188Kb) Download the e-book for Microsoft Reader (91Kb) 墙软件 Permalink

    EbookLas Rimas de Gustavo Adolfo B�cquer es seguramente uno de los libros de poes�a en castellano m�s le�dos. M�s all� de la lectura adolescente, muchos de los poemas que contiene este poemario merecen ser rele�dos con atenci�n 135 a�os despu�s de que fueran concebidos. La presente edici�n respeta las correcciones y anotaciones que B�cquer dej� escritas en el manuscrito del Libro de los gorriones as� como la ordenaci�n original de los poemas.

    �Yo s� un himno gigante y extra�o

    que anuncia en la noche del alma una aurora,

    y estas p�ginas son de este himno

    cadencias que el aire dilata en la sombras...�

    Keys: ojos, alma, luz, noche

    A selection from our library
    By Jacint Verdaguer RSS
    Poetry • 29,889w • Catalan
    Worldwide Classics RSS / April 2002
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    Portada de L’Atl�ntida墙软件L’any del centenari de la mort de Jacint Verdaguer vam voler contribuir a la difusi� de la seva obra aix� com a facilitar-ne l’acc�s publicant la primera edici� il�lustrada de L’Atl�ntida per a llibre electr�nic. Vam completar l’edici� de l’obra amb la qual va guanyar els Jocs Florals de 1877 amb un breu itinerari fotogr�fic pels llocs que van marcar la vida de Verdaguer.

    �Vora la mar de Lusit�nia, un dia

    los gegantins turons d’Andalusia

    veren lluitar dos enemics vaixells;

    flameja en l’un bandera genovesa,

    i en l’altre ronca, assedegat de presa,

    lo lle� de Ven�cia amb sos cadells...�

    Keys: mar, terra, cel

    Idea, design & development: Xavier Badosa (1995–2020)