Schlock Mercenary, one of my favorite Other Webcomics, wrapped up its run this last week. It's been a long-running (even more than me, still, for now..) space opera following the adventures of the cheerfully sociopathic blob-critter Schlock and his employers, a team of galactic mercenaries. Truth in titling, at least. It's always been funny and had some big interesting ideas about how galactic civilizations might rise, interact and fall. Unfortunately.. it got pretty clear towards the end that after twenty years of daily strips, creator Howard Taylor was burned out and just wanted to get it over with. The story got wrapped up, which is more than most webcomics manage, but said wrapping happened real fast, with a whole lot of detail skipped over. Still, I recommend it if you're lookng for a real long complete sci-fi read, and it will be interesting to see what Mr. Taylor comes up with next, after he's taken a vacation or two.
I just belatedly realized that after publicly giving Ivana there the last name of "Kulibin", I immedately and unintentionally started changed it to "Klubin" in my notes and transcripts. It's easier to just go with that, so I did a Change on the strip where she is named. She's officially Ivana Klubin.
The creator of the ComicFury strip Cryptida was offering cameos, so I took 'em up on it. You can see Sylvester the tourist
ComicGenesis is veiwable, but the strip-upload system is thoroughly broken, so no updates there for now.