Today in the Sacred Liturgy
In the Ordinary Form
Today is St. Benedict
Mass Readings for August 3
Reflections for Sunday, July 26, 2020
The Liturgy of the Hours
In the Extraordinary Form
Today is The Beheading of St. John the Baptist
The Divine Office
The Holy Father's Prayer Intentions
Prayer Intentions for August 2020
The Shepherd's Voice
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Fiction, Poetry & Humor
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Saving Quacks
by Patti Maguire Armstrong
This story happened in our family twenty years ago, but lives on today as a
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by Marcellino D'Ambrosio, Ph.D.
On December the 25th, we celebrate the big one—the birthday of Jesus, the Word of -
The Good Shepherd and His Abundant Life
by 怎么挂梯子去国外网站
The atheist philosopher of the 19th century, Friedrich Nietzsche, once said: “if Christians want me -
Divine Mercy and Doubting Thomas
by Marcellino D'Ambrosio, Ph.D.
The Gospels tell an incredible story. A virginal conception. Miraculous healings. Even people coming back
Super Bowl Champion Becomes Champion of God
by Trent Beattie
Elvis Grbac can look back and remember two of his top football achievements. The six-foot-five -
The Empowering Depth and Dimension of Christmas
by Avellina Balestri
There is more to Christmas than just Christ’s birth. It serves as the beginning of -
Best Selling Author All About Life Lessons
by Patti Maguire Armstrong
During adoration, Anthony DeStefano picked up the Bible and read the parable about the grain
Society more »
How Are Your Fridays Going?
by Patti Maguire Armstrong
What are you doing this Friday? I’m asking about your penance, not that it’s my -
USAID Gives Millions in Grants to Group Fighting U.S. Pro-Life Policy
by Susan Yoshihara, Ph.D.
The U.S. International Agency for International Development (USAID) just gave a hefty grant to CARE, -
Lines from the Declaration of Independence to Ponder this July
by Marge Fenelon
As youth, many of us were required to memorize – or at least study –
Advent Proclaims That Human Life Matters
by Mark Davis Pickup
“Now Mary arose in those days and went into the hill country with haste, to -
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Hundreds of millions of people around the world today will celebrate Masses to honor an
A Mother’s Prayer
by Terry McDermott
I stood by helplessly and watched as a text message received by one of my -
Advent with King David
by Jake Frost
My wife and I sat on the couch, the room dark except for a strand -
How Are Your Fridays Going?
by Patti Maguire Armstrong
What are you doing this Friday? I’m asking about your penance, not that it’s my
Learn & Live the Faith 梯子翻墙
Birth of John the Baptist
by Marcellino D'Ambrosio, Ph.D.
On December the 25th, we celebrate the big one—the birthday of Jesus, the Word of -
Life Changing Marian Apparitions
To know the Virgin Mary is to love her. One way we can get to
Business & Work more »
Would go to the lion’s den for your faith? I’m guessing everyone has asked themselves -
Parental Rights on the Line: VidAngel Being Sued by Disney
by Catholic Lane Editor
VidAngel is the market-leading entertainment platform empowering users to filter language, nudity, violence, and other -
CBC’s Anti-Disability Prejudice Symptomatic of Larger Exclusion
by Mark Davis Pickup
Up until 1991, I worked for the Canadian federal Commission promoting employment equity in the
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Terrorism is nothing new. It’s probably as old as the human race. In fact the cradle of civilization, now Iraq, was the home of the most infamous terrorists of antiquity, the Assyrians. Their goal was to conquer their neighbors in a way that would minimize initial resistance and subsequent rebellion. To do this, they knew […]
Holy Week and Easter Through the Blessed Mother
by Patti Maguire Armstrong
Surely, the Blessed Mother would have taken on the suffering of her Son, Jesus Christ if it were possible. That is what loving mothers always wish they could do. Instead, Mary suffered alongside her Son, because that too is what mothers do. We go to Mary to get closer to Jesus for that very reason. […]
by Philip Primeau
Shortly before his martyrdom, St. Paul penned a letter to his friend Timothy. The great apostle seems to have known that death was near, and his bittersweet words are imbued with a sense of urgency. St. Paul comforts and commends his young protégé, while exhorting him to sacrifice. “Do not be ashamed of the testimony […]
Sweet Silence
by Barb Lishko
Shielding my eyes from the blinding sun, I sensed, rather than heard, a presence to my left as I stood in line waiting to board the plane. His face was about five inches from mine. I could see his lips moving but could hear nothing. Finally I faced him squarely and he repeated himself. “What’s […]
Easy Solutions for Reluctant Evangelizers
Discomfort does not excuse us from evangelizing. After all, Jesus was uncomfortable on the cross. And if Scripture and the Catholic Catechism of the Church are to be taken seriously, it seems that we have no excuse. “Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist are sacraments of Christian initiation. They ground the common vocation of all Christ’s disciples, […]
Is Thanksgiving a Time to Evangelize?
by Marlon De La Torre
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by Betsy Kerekes
Taking small children to Mass is a penitential activity. Whether you’re trying to keep your child quiet and in the pew, or you’re speed walking down the aisle with a screaming toddler, rest assured, we’ve all been there. Here are five of the best funny stories of kids at church, taken from Be a Happier […]
Embrace Today!
“Don’t let the demons of yesterday ruin the blessings of today,” An exorcist once told me during an interview. Exorcists understand how the devil invades lives and steals away peace and holiness. They also know that the people they help have a past they would like to forget and a future that might loom large […]
St. Raymond Nonnatus is a saint from the Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mercy or the Mercedarian Order and was born in 1204 in Barcelona, Spain. He is called Nonnatus or “not born” referring to his Caesarean section birth. Since his mother died while giving birth to him, Nonnatus is the patron saint […]
Keeping Company with Saint Michael the Archangel
by 中国翻墙2021
Our three year old daughter Liz was in the backseat of the car while my wife was driving. Mom made a wrong turn. “Grrr,” my wife grumbled, “wrong turn!” From the backseat Liz’s voice chimed: “Recalculating!” That made my wife crack-up. But while Mom was laughing out loud, Liz didn’t see the humor. “That’s what […]
The Victory of the Cross: Turning Terror Upside Down
by Marcellino D'Ambrosio, Ph.D.
Terrorism is nothing new. It’s probably as old as the human race. In fact the cradle of civilization, now Iraq, was the home of the most infamous terrorists of antiquity, the Assyrians. Their goal was to conquer their neighbors in a way that would minimize initial resistance and subsequent rebellion. To do this, they knew […]
Visitation Sisters’ Ebook Can Help With Discernment
by Kevin Banet
Free Ebook on Salesian Spirituality Every Sunday evening a Visitation Sister gently guides online chatters about their vocational discernment and provides spiritual insights. The discussion is called the “Living Jesus Chat Room,” named after the Visitation Sisters’ motto “Live Jesus.” On this evening, a woman who teaches at an alternative public high school for discipline […]
by Patti Maguire Armstrong
It would seem that being raised by devout Catholic parents who prayed the rosary daily would have pointed to a good and holy future for Bartolo Longo. And it did. Eventually. First, he strayed so far from God that he became a satanic priest. Yet, as far as Bartolo strayed—and it was extreme—he was not beyond […]