





                  Be the first to hear about our upcoming debates, talks and conferences.


                  October 27, 2020

                  Does Donald Trump deserve a second term?



                  July 16, 2020

                  Covid-19: Lessons learned?



                  July 8, 2020

                  Coffee House Shots Live

                  SOLD OUT

                  May 5, 2020

                  An evening with Lionel Shriver

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                  March 24, 2020


                  Join renowned chef and Great British Bake Off judge Prue Leith as she chats about her career in food with her niece, pastry chef Peta Leith, and her nephew Sam Leith, The Spectator’s literary editor.

                  SOLD OUT


                  Coffee House Shots Live: Budget Special

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                  February 25, 2020

                  Is it time to offer amnesty to Britain's illegal immigrants?


                  SOLD OUT

                  January 29, 2020

                  Coffee House Shots Live: The Boris majority

                  What can we expect from a government now able to call the shots in parliament?

                  SOLD OUT

                  December 11, 2019

                  The Spectator Christmas Special: Year in Review

                  The Spectator invites you to a very special evening with Rod Liddle, Rory Sutherland, Dear Mary, Katy Balls and Fraser Nelson as we look back over an extraordinary year.

                  SOLD OUT


                  The Spectator Christmas Carol Service 2019



                  December 4, 2019

                  Scotland's uncertain future

                  With the general election looking and sounding like a new independence campaign, what will the result mean for Scotland?

                  SOLD OUT

                  November 12, 2019

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                  SOLD OUT

                  November 4, 2019

                  Boris, Brexit and beyond: prospects for the UK economy 2020

                  With Boris at the helm, what’s in store for Britain’s economy in 2020? What will Brexit – or a longer delay – mean for the next budget?

                  SOLD OUT


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                  Join Douglas Murray and Lionel Shriver for an enlightening evening discussion on identity politics.


                  October 23, 2019

                  Robert Harris in conversation with Sam Leith

                  Join the bestselling author of Fatherland, Enigma and Pompeii for a live edition of the Spectator Books podcast with Sam Leith.

                  SOLD OUT


                  In conversation: Charles Moore and John Humphrys

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                  SOLD OUT

                  September 17, 2019

                  Can Boris do it?

                  It's Boris against parliament – but will Brexit prevail? Are we heading for a clean break, a general election, or a constitutional crisis?

                  SOLD OUT

                  September 3, 2019

                  How to be a dictator

                  How does a cult of personality begin – and how does it sustain itself? How do tyrants create the illusion of popular support – and what do they fear most?



                  Cricket world cup special: an evening with Henry Blofeld

                  As World Cup fever hits, join us for an unmissable evening with legendary cricket commentator Henry 'Blowers' Blofeld. 

                  SOLD OUT

                  June 5, 2019

                  Michael Gove in conversation with Fraser Nelson

                  The starting gun has been fired on the Tory leadership contest. Join The Spectator for an exclusive event with one of the front runners: Michael Gove.

                  SOLD OUT

                  June 4, 2019

                  The Spectator Energy Summit

                  The UK has promised to reduce emissions. But how will this be achieved? Chaired by Andrew Neil, The Spectator's Energy Summit will bring together experts and industry leaders to discuss the reality of decarbonisation: what must we do if we are to make it happen and by when?



                  Britain's cannabis revolution: understanding the impact

                  All over the world, legal cannabis is big business - and Britain is no exception. Investors, patients and politicians are all caught up in the so called 'green rush' - but what is the truth behind the hype? Join The Spectator to find out.

                  SOLD OUT

                  May 7, 2019

                  Douglas Murray and Roger Scruton in conversation on ‘the future of conservatism’

                  What does it mean to be a conservative? Join The Spectator as we bring together two of the sharpest - and controversial - minds in Britain.

                  SOLD OUT

                  March 18, 2019

                  The Spectator Health Summit 2019

                  The annual Spectator Health Summit, chaired by Alastair Stewart, is a unique opportunity for health and care leaders to examine the priorities of the NHS, the role of AI and technology in taking the strain off the NHS, and how best to allocate the budget that will determine the health service's direction for the next decade.

                  SOLD OUT

                  March 14, 2019

                  The Chancellor's Spring Statement and the economic outlook for 2019



                  March 11, 2019

                  Who's afraid of no deal?

                  Ahead of a ‘meaningful’ vote on the Brexit deal, join The Spectator and leading politicians to discuss: what does no deal really mean? Is no deal a disaster that will set the country back generations – or the boost Britain needs to forge a new path for itself?