Everyday life in the 21st century involves composing and understanding complex messages in multiple media and in varied contexts. Students in the Department of Writing and Rhetoric receive a comprehensive education in writing and rhetoric that enables them to communicate effectively, persuasively, and ethically across a range of civic, professional, and educational contexts. Learn more about our mission and goals.
Students at computer


The UWC offers free individual and small-group consultations for any writing in any situation. Students can meet with tutors online or face-to-face in multiple locations.

Visit the UWC


Carnes, Jeremy M. "Deep Time and Vast Place: Visualizing Land/Water Relations Across Time and Space in Moonshot: The Indigenous Comics Collection." in Graphic Indigeneity: Comics in the Americas and Australasia. Ed. Frederick Aldama. University Press of Mississippi, 2020.
Roozen, Kevin. “Mapping Translingual Literacies: Encouraging and Enacting Transnational Perspectives of Literate Life.” Translingual Affordances: Globalized Approaches to the Teaching of Writing, Eds. Alanna Frost, Suzanne Blum Malley, and Julie Kiernan. WAC Clearinghouse, 2020, pp. 133-159.
Laurie A. Pinkert
Pinkert, L.A. (2020) “Snapshots, Frameworks, and Infrastructures: A Survey of Graduate Writing.” Graduate Writing Across the Disciplines: Identifying, Teaching, and Supporting, Eds. Elena Garcia, Katie Manthey, Marilee Brooks Gilles, Soo Hyon Kim, Trixie G. Smith. Parlor Press and WAC Clearinghouse 
Laurie A. Pinkert
Pinkert, L.A. & Leon, K., (2020) “Heuristic Tracing and Habits for Learning: Developing Generative, Reflective Strategies for Understanding Service learning.” Reflections: A Journal of Community Engaged Writing and Rhetoric 19.2, Fall-Winter 2019-2020.
Kevin Roozen
纳豆vip会员破解版百度云“Coming to Act with Tables: Tracing the Laminated Trajectories of an Engineer-in-the-Making纳豆vp官网Learning, Culture, and Social Interaction. Special Issue. Writing Across: Tracing Transliteracies as Becoming over Time, Space, and Settings, vol. 24, 2020. pp 1-12.
Joel Schneier
Schneier, J. (2020). “You Broke Minecraft”: Hybrid play and the materialization of game spaces through mobile Minecraft Play. In de Souza e Silva, A., & Glover-Rijkse (Eds.), Hybrid Play: Crossing boundaries in game design, player identities, and play spaces. Routledge.

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