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CensusScope is a product of the Social Science Data Analysis Network.
is an easy-to-use tool for investigating U.S.
demographic trends, brought to you by the Social Science Data
Analysis Network (SSDAN)
at the University of Michigan. With eye-catching graphics and
exportable trend data, CensusScope is designed for both generalists and specialists.
- For States, Metro Areas, and Counties.
- Census and Trend Data
going back to 2000, 1990, 1980,
and sometimes even further, on a growing list of topics, including
population growth,
population by race,
age structure,
family structure,
and income.
- Multirace Profiles:
With hundreds of possible combinations, Census 2000 multiracial data is often inscrutable. Our charts and
rankings can help (see the U.S. Multiracial Profile